Posts in Meal Planning
Tips and Tricks If You're Cooking For One (From A Dietitian)

Cooking for one has never been easy, but there are ways to make it work for you if you have limited space or aren’t crazy about monotonous meals that you have the reheat over and over again. If you’re a single person who is dealing with back-to-back meetings, multiple jobs, or you’re just too tired to cook, here are a few tips that I give to patients who have the same struggle.

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How to Nourish Mid-Day When You Have Back-to-Back Meetings

A lot of people are constantly on the go. Even when we work remotely, our busy schedules mean that we can still be inundated with back-to-back meetings and deadlines that create a ton of stress during the day. Sometimes, eating is the last thing on our minds. The first thing I work on with most patients is eating every 3-5 hours regardless of the goal. This sets up a very important foundation that is at the center of a nutrition plan.

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